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Life of Imam Hussain: A Comprehensive PDF Guide

Life of Imam Hussain: A Brief Introduction

Imam Hussain is one of the most revered figures in Islam. He was the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the son of Imam Ali and Fatima (may Allah be pleased with them). He is also known as the leader of the martyrs and the master of paradise. His life is a source of inspiration and guidance for millions of Muslims around the world. In this article, we will explore who Imam Hussain was, why he is important for Muslims, and how you can learn more about him.

life of imam hussain pdf download

Who was Imam Hussain?

Imam Hussain was born in the year 4 AH (625 CE) in Medina, the city where his grandfather Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had migrated to from Mecca. He was the third child of Imam Ali and Fatima, after Hasan and Zaynab. He had a close relationship with his grandfather, who loved him dearly and often carried him on his shoulders. He also learned a lot from his father, who was the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet and the fourth caliph of Islam.

His lineage and early life

Imam Hussain belonged to the noble family of Banu Hashim, a clan of Quraysh, the most powerful tribe in Arabia at that time. His lineage traced back to Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), who was the father of many prophets. He was also a direct descendant of Ismail (Ishmael), the son of Ibrahim and Hajar (Hagar), who settled in Mecca and built the Kaaba with his father. Imam Hussain inherited the qualities of his ancestors, such as faith, courage, generosity, and wisdom.

Imam Hussain grew up in a pious and loving environment. He witnessed the revelation of the Quran and the establishment of Islam by his grandfather. He also participated in some of the battles that were fought to defend Islam from its enemies, such as the Battle of Siffin in 37 AH (657 CE), where he fought alongside his father against Muawiyah, the governor of Syria who rebelled against Imam Ali's caliphate.

His role in Islamic history

Imam Hussain played a crucial role in Islamic history. He was one of the twelve imams who are considered by Shia Muslims as the rightful successors of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the guides for the Muslim community. He was also respected by Sunni Muslims as a member of Ahl al-Bayt (the family of the Prophet) and a companion of the Prophet. He was known for his knowledge, piety, bravery, and generosity.

Imam Hussain faced many challenges and difficulties in his life. He witnessed the assassination of his father Imam Ali in 40 AH (661 CE) by a Kharijite (a radical sect that emerged after the Battle of Siffin). He also witnessed the death of his brother Imam Hasan in 50 AH (670 CE) by poisoning at the hands of Muawiyah's son Yazid, who became the caliph after his father's death. Imam Hussain refused to pledge allegiance to Yazid, who was a corrupt and oppressive ruler. He decided to stand up for justice and reform in Islam.

Why is Imam Hussain important for Muslims?

Imam Hussain is important for Muslims for many reasons. He is a role model for Muslims who want to follow the true teachings of Islam and the example of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He is also a symbol of resistance against oppression and injustice. He is also a source of spiritual and moral guidance for Muslims who want to attain closeness to Allah and His pleasure.

His stance against tyranny and injustice

Imam Hussain refused to accept Yazid as the caliph of Islam, because he knew that Yazid was violating the principles of Islam and the rights of Muslims. Yazid was indulging in sins such as drinking, gambling, killing innocent people, and disrespecting the Quran and the Prophet's family. Imam Hussain considered it his duty to oppose Yazid and to call for reform in the Muslim community. He said, "I have not risen to spread evil or to show off, nor for hypocrisy or oppression. I have risen to seek reform in the community of my grandfather. I want to enjoin good and forbid evil, and follow the way of my grandfather and my father."

Imam Hussain left Medina with his family and companions in 60 AH (680 CE) and headed towards Kufa, a city in Iraq where he had received many invitations from the people who wanted him to be their leader. However, on his way, he was intercepted by Yazid's army in a place called Karbala, near the Euphrates river. There, he and his small group of about 72 men were surrounded by thousands of soldiers who prevented them from accessing water and food. Imam Hussain tried to negotiate with them and to avoid bloodshed, but they insisted on either killing him or forcing him to pledge allegiance to Yazid.

His sacrifice at Karbala

Imam Hussain chose to sacrifice his life rather than surrender to Yazid. He said, "Death with dignity is better than life with humiliation." He fought bravely with his companions against the overwhelming odds. He witnessed the martyrdom of his sons, brothers, nephews, friends, and even his six-month-old baby Ali al-Asghar, who was killed by an arrow while in his arms. He was the last one to fall, after being wounded by swords, spears, arrows, and stones. His head was severed from his body and raised on a spear. His body was trampled by horses and left on the ground without burial.

Imam Hussain's sacrifice at Karbala is one of the most tragic and heroic events in Islamic history. It is commemorated by Muslims every year on the 10th of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar. This day is known as Ashura, which means "the tenth". On this day, Muslims mourn the martyrdom of Imam Hussain and his companions, and express their love and loyalty to him. They also reflect on the lessons and messages that Imam Hussain conveyed through his sacrifice.

His legacy and teachings

Imam Hussain left behind a legacy that has influenced millions of people throughout history. He inspired many movements and revolutions that aimed at establishing justice and freedom in the world. He also taught many values and virtues that are essential for Muslims to practice in their lives. Some of his teachings are:

  • "The most generous person is the one who gives to someone from whom he has no hope of return."

  • "The most honorable people are those who are truthful in their speech."

  • "The most intelligent person is the one who constantly thinks about his afterlife."

  • "The most noble person is the one who forgives when he has power."

  • "The most pious person is the one who refrains from what Allah has prohibited."

How can you learn more about Imam Hussain?

If you want to learn more about Imam Hussain, there are many ways to do so. You can read books and articles that describe his life and teachings in detail. You can also visit online resources and websites that provide information and multimedia content about him. Here are some suggestions:

The sources of his biography

The main sources of Imam Hussain's biography are the Quran, the Sunnah (the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad), and the historical accounts that were written by scholars and historians who witnessed or researched his life. Some of these sources are:

and to purify you with [extensive] purification." This verse is known as Ayat al-Tathir (the verse of purification), and it refers to the five members of the Prophet's household: Prophet Muhammad, Imam Ali, Fatima, Imam Hasan, and Imam Hussain.

  • The Sunnah: The Sunnah contains many hadiths (narrations) that report the words and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) regarding Imam Hussain. For example, the Prophet said: "Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain. Allah loves whoever loves Hussain." He also said: "Hussain is the leader of the youth of paradise." These hadiths show the high status and love that Imam Hussain had in the eyes of his grandfather.

  • The historical accounts: The historical accounts are the books and writings that document the events and circumstances of Imam Hussain's life and martyrdom. Some of these accounts are based on eyewitness testimonies, while others are based on research and analysis. Some of these accounts are: Maqtal al-Hussain by Abu Mikhnaf (died 157 AH), Tarikh al-Tabari by al-Tabari (died 310 AH), Nafas al-Mahmum by al-Qummi (died 381 AH), and Al-Lohoof by al-Sayyid ibn Tawus (died 664 AH).

The books and articles on his life

There are many books and articles that have been written by scholars and authors who have studied and explored Imam Hussain's life and teachings in depth. Some of these books and articles are:




The Life of Imam Husayn

Shaykh Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr

A comprehensive biography of Imam Hussain that covers his birth, childhood, adulthood, role in Islamic history, martyrdom, and legacy.

Karbala and Ashura

Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani

A collection of lectures and messages by one of the most prominent Shia scholars of our time, who explains the significance and lessons of Karbala and Ashura.

Imam Husayn: The Saviour of Islam

Dr. Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi

A concise introduction to Imam Hussain's life and mission, with a focus on his role as the saviour of Islam from corruption and deviation.

Husayn: The Sacrifice for Mankind

Dr. Ali Shariati

A series of lectures by a renowned Iranian intellectual and activist, who analyzes the social and political dimensions of Imam Hussain's movement.

The Revolution of Imam al-Husayn: Its Impact on the Consciousness of Muslim Society

Dr. Muhammad Mahdi Shams al-Din

An academic article that examines the impact of Imam Hussain's revolution on the consciousness of Muslim society throughout history.

The online resources and websites on his life

There are many online resources and websites that provide information and multimedia content about Imam Hussain's life and teachings. Some of these resources and websites are:

  • A website that offers a wealth of Islamic knowledge, including books, articles, videos, audios, and images on various topics, including Imam Hussain.

  • Who is Hussain?: A website that aims to inspire people through the example of Imam Hussain, by sharing his story, values, and impact on humanity.

  • Imam Hussain Holy Shrine: A website that provides information and services related to the holy shrine of Imam Hussain in Karbala, Iraq, where millions of pilgrims visit every year.

  • Imam Hussain TV: A satellite channel that broadcasts programs about Imam Hussain in different languages, such as English, Arabic, Urdu, Farsi, and Turkish.

  • Hujjat Bookshop: An online bookstore that sells books and other products related to Imam Hussain and other Islamic topics.


Imam Hussain is a great personality in Islam and a role model for Muslims. He was the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the son of Imam Ali and Fatima. He was also one of the twelve imams who are the guides for the Muslim community. He stood up for justice and reform in Islam against the tyranny and injustice of Yazid. He sacrificed his life and his family at Karbala to preserve the true teachings of Islam. He left behind a legacy and teachings that inspire and guide millions of people around the world.

If you want to learn more about Imam Hussain, you can read books and articles that describe his life and teachings in detail. You can also visit online resources and websites that provide information and multimedia content about him. You can also commemorate his martyrdom on Ashura, the 10th of Muharram, by mourning his tragedy, reflecting on his lessons, and following his example.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Imam Hussain:

  • Q: When was Imam Hussain born and when did he die?A: Imam Hussain was born on the 3rd of Sha'ban in 4 AH (625 CE) and he died on the 10th of Muharram in 61 AH (680 CE).

  • Q: How many children did Imam Hussain have?A: Imam Hussain had six sons and three daughters. His sons were Ali al-Akbar, Ali al-Asghar, Ali al-Zayn al-Abidin, Ja'far, Abdullah, and Muhammad. His daughters were Sakina, Fatima, and Ruqayya.

  • Q: What is the name of Imam Hussain's horse?A: Imam Hussain's horse was named Zuljanah, which means "the winged one". It was a loyal and brave horse that accompanied Imam Hussain in his journey and battle.

  • Q: What is the name of Imam Hussain's flag?A: Imam Hussain's flag was named Al-Liwaa al-Yasir, which means "the easy flag". It was a red flag that had the words "La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah Ali Wali Allah" (There is no god but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah Ali is the Friend of Allah) written on it.

  • Q: What is the name of Imam Hussain's sword?A: Imam Hussain's sword was named Zulfiqar, which means "the cleaver". It was the same sword that belonged to his father Imam Ali, who received it from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).



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