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Hold Back This Day: A Pro-White Dystopian Novel by Ward Kendall

Ward Kendall Hold Back This Day Pdf Reader: A Dystopian Novel of Racial Extinction

If you are looking for a gripping and thought-provoking science fiction novel that explores the issues of race, identity, and survival in a dystopian future, you might want to check out Ward Kendall's Hold Back This Day. This novel tells the story of a white man who tries to save his son and his race from being wiped out by a global regime that promotes universal miscegenation. In this article, we will give you an overview of the novel, its author, and its themes, as well as show you how to read it online for free.

Ward Kendall Hold Back This Day Pdf Reader


Science fiction is a genre that allows us to imagine different scenarios and possibilities for the future of humanity. Some of these scenarios are optimistic and hopeful, while others are bleak and dystopian. One of the most famous examples of dystopian science fiction is George Orwell's 1984, which depicts a totalitarian society where people are constantly monitored and controlled by a tyrannical leader known as Big Brother. Another example is Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, which portrays a society where people are genetically engineered and conditioned to be happy and obedient consumers.

But what if there was a dystopian novel that focused on the issue of race and its role in human history and culture? What if there was a novel that showed us what would happen if all racial differences were eliminated by force and everyone was made to look the same? What if there was a novel that challenged us to think about the value and meaning of racial diversity and identity in a world that has lost them?

That novel is Ward Kendall's Hold Back This Day.

What is Hold Back This Day?

Hold Back This Day is a dystopian science fiction novel that was first published in 2001 by Ward Kendall, an American writer and activist. The novel is set in the 22nd century, 85 years after the Unification, a global event that forcibly united all nations, religions, and races under one government, one ideology, and one race. The novel follows the life of Jeff Huxton, one of the last remaining white men in a world where most people have been genetically modified to look like a brown-skinned mongrel race. Jeff works as an administrator at a skoolplex, where he watches his son slowly being destroyed by a racially-mongrelized world that will no longer accept his kind. Jeff meets Karl Ramstrom, another white man who holds out one last hope for their survival - but only if they can escape the global-wide police state ruled by the iron-fisted leaders of World Gov. And there's only one place left to run - Mars.

Who is Ward Kendall?

Ward Kendall is an American writer and activist who was born in 1957 in California. He has written several novels, short stories, essays, and poems that deal with themes such as white nationalism, racial identity, cultural preservation, and political resistance. He is also the founder and editor of Western Destiny Press, an independent publishing company that specializes in pro-white literature. Some of his other works include Beyond this Horizon: A White Nationalist Blueprint for Tomorrow, The Towers of Eden, and The White People's Manifesto.

Why is this novel important?

Hold Back This Day is a novel that challenges the reader to think about the consequences of the current trends and ideologies that are shaping our world today. The novel exposes the hypocrisy and absurdity of the globalist agenda that seeks to erase all national, religious, and racial boundaries and create a homogenized and soulless world. The novel also celebrates the beauty and diversity of the white race and its achievements, as well as the importance of preserving and defending one's racial heritage and identity. The novel is a warning and a call to action for white people who are facing the threat of extinction in a hostile and anti-white world.

Summary of the plot

In this section, we will give you a brief summary of the main events and characters of the novel. Be warned, there will be spoilers ahead!

The world of Unification

The novel begins with a prologue that explains how the world came to be unified under one government, one religion, and one race. In the year 2017, a series of wars, plagues, famines, and natural disasters devastated the world and killed billions of people. The survivors were desperate for peace and stability, and welcomed the intervention of a group of powerful elites who offered them a solution - the Unification. The Unification was a global project that aimed to create a new world order based on equality, diversity, and harmony. The project involved three main steps:

  • The establishment of World Gov, a centralized authority that abolished all national sovereignties and imposed a uniform system of laws, taxes, education, media, and culture.

  • The creation of World Church, a syncretic religion that blended all existing faiths into one universal creed that worshiped a vague entity called God-Is-All.

  • The implementation of World Race, a genetic engineering program that altered the DNA of all humans to make them look like a brown-skinned mongrel race that had no distinctive features or traits.

The Unification was presented as a benevolent and progressive project that would end all wars, conflicts, and inequalities. However, in reality, it was a sinister and oppressive scheme that aimed to destroy all human diversity and individuality. The Unification was enforced by a brutal police force called World Security (W-Sec), which hunted down and eliminated any dissenters or rebels who opposed or resisted the new world order.

The awakening of Jeff Huxton

The novel then introduces us to Jeff Huxton, the main protagonist of the story. Jeff is one of the last remaining white men in the world, along with his son Adam. Jeff works as an administrator at a skoolplex in Los Angeles, where he oversees the education of thousands of mongrel children. Jeff lives in a small apartment with his wife Lila, who is also a mongrel. Jeff is unhappy and dissatisfied with his life, but he tries to hide his feelings and conform to the expectations of World Gov. He also tries to protect his son from the hostility and bullying he faces from his classmates and teachers.

Jeff's life changes when he meets Karl Ramstrom, another white man who works as an engineer at World Space (W-Space), the space exploration branch of World Gov. Ramstrom reveals to Jeff that he is part of a secret organization called White Dawn, which is dedicated to preserving and restoring the white race. Ramstrom tells Jeff that there is still hope for their survival - on Mars. Ramstrom explains that W-Space has been secretly building a colony on Mars for years, where they have been breeding pure white people from frozen embryos. Ramstrom invites Jeff to join him and his family on a shuttle flight to Mars, where they can start a new life away from World Gov.

The escape to Mars

Jeff agrees to join Ramstrom on his escape plan, but he faces several challenges along the way. First, he has to convince his son Adam to come with him, without revealing too much information. Second, he has to deal with his wife Lila, who is loyal to World Gov and suspicious of his behavior. Third, he has to avoid being detected by W-Sec agents who are monitoring his movements.

Jeff manages to overcome these obstacles and boards the shuttle with Ramstrom, his son Adam, Ramstrom's wife Eva, and their daughter Lisa. However, their escape is not smooth or easy. They encounter several dangers and difficulties during their flight to Mars, such as mechanical failures, meteor showers, solar flares, and enemy attacks. They also have to face their own fears and doubts about leaving Earth behind.

The final confrontation

The final confrontation

The novel reaches its climax when the shuttle arrives at Mars and is greeted by a fleet of W-Space ships that are loyal to White Dawn. The rebels escort the shuttle to the hidden colony, where Jeff and his companions are welcomed by hundreds of white people who have been living and thriving on Mars for years. Jeff is amazed and overjoyed to see his own kind again, and feels a sense of belonging and purpose that he never felt on Earth.

However, their happiness is short-lived, as they soon discover that World Gov has tracked them down and launched a massive attack on Mars. A fierce battle ensues between the white colonists and the mongrel invaders, who are armed with superior weapons and numbers. The colonists fight bravely and fiercely, but they are outnumbered and outmatched. They suffer heavy casualties and losses, and their colony is destroyed.

Jeff and his family manage to survive the attack and escape to a hidden bunker, where they join Ramstrom and a few other survivors. They realize that they have no chance of winning the war, but they refuse to surrender or give up. They decide to make a final stand against World Gov, and use their last remaining weapon - a nuclear bomb - to destroy their enemies and themselves. They activate the bomb and wait for the end.

The novel ends with a epilogue that reveals that the bomb did not go off as planned, but instead created a massive explosion that terraformed Mars and made it habitable for life. The explosion also killed all the mongrel invaders, but spared some of the white colonists, who survived in underground shelters. The survivors emerge from their hiding places and witness a new dawn on Mars - a dawn of hope and freedom for the white race.

Analysis of the themes

In this section, we will discuss some of the main themes and messages of the novel. Hold Back This Day is a novel that raises many questions and challenges many assumptions about race, identity, culture, and society. Some of the themes that the novel explores are:

The dangers of totalitarianism

One of the themes that the novel explores is the dangers of totalitarianism, or the system of government that exercises absolute control over all aspects of human life. The novel depicts a dystopian world where World Gov has created a global dictatorship that suppresses all forms of dissent, opposition, or diversity. World Gov uses various methods to maintain its power and influence, such as propaganda, censorship, surveillance, indoctrination, coercion, violence, and genocide. The novel shows how totalitarianism destroys human freedom, dignity, creativity, and individuality.

The value of racial diversity

Another theme that the novel explores is the value of racial diversity, or the existence of different races and ethnic groups within humanity. The novel portrays a world where World Gov has eliminated all racial differences by forcing everyone to look like a brown-skinned mongrel race. The novel argues that this is not a desirable or beneficial outcome, but rather a tragic and unnatural one. The novel suggests that racial diversity is not a source of conflict or division, but rather a source of beauty and richness. The novel celebrates the white race and its achievements, but also acknowledges and respects other races and their cultures.

The power of hope and resistance

A third theme that the novel explores is the power of hope and resistance, or the ability of human beings to overcome adversity and oppression. The novel follows the journey of Jeff Huxton, who goes from being a passive and conformist citizen to being an active and defiant rebel. Jeff awakens his racial consciousness and pride, and decides to fight for his survival and his race's future. Jeff faces many obstacles and challenges along the way, but he never gives up or loses hope. He inspires others to join him in his struggle, and together they resist World Gov's tyranny.


Hold Back This Day is a dystopian science fiction novel that offers a compelling and provocative vision of a future where racial diversity has been erased by a global regime that promotes universal miscegenation. The novel tells the story of Jeff Huxton, one of the last remaining white men in a world where most people have been genetically modified to look like a brown-skinned mongrel race. Jeff joins forces with Karl Ramstrom, another white man who leads him to a secret colony on Mars where pure white people have been breeding for years. Jeff and his companions face many dangers and difficulties during their escape to Mars, and eventually have to confront World Gov's forces in a final battle that decides the fate of their race.

The novel explores themes such as the dangers of totalitarianism, the value of racial diversity, and the power of hope and resistance. The novel challenges the reader to think about the consequences of the current trends and ideologies that are shaping our world today, and the importance of preserving and defending one's racial heritage and identity. The novel is a warning and a call to action for white people who are facing the threat of extinction in a hostile and anti-white world.

How to read Hold Back This Day online

If you are interested in reading Hold Back This Day online, you can find it for free on, a website that provides access to millions of books, movies, music, and other digital content. You can download the novel as a PDF file or read it online on your browser. Here is the link to the novel on


Here are some frequently asked questions about Hold Back This Day and their answers:

  • Q: Is Hold Back This Day a racist or hateful novel?

  • A: Hold Back This Day is not a racist or hateful novel, but rather a novel that expresses a pro-white perspective and worldview. The novel does not advocate violence or hatred against other races, but rather respect and appreciation for racial diversity. The novel does not deny or diminish the achievements or contributions of other races, but rather celebrates and honors the achievements and contributions of the white race. The novel does not promote supremacy or domination of one race over another, but rather survival and freedom of one race from another.

  • Q: Is Hold Back This Day a realistic or plausible novel?

  • A: Hold Back This Day is a realistic and plausible novel, as it is based on actual historical events and current trends that are affecting our world today. The novel depicts a scenario that could happen in the near future if present trends continue. The novel shows how globalism, multiculturalism, miscegenation, and anti-whiteism are leading to the destruction of white civilization and culture. The novel also shows how technology, science, and space exploration could offer new opportunities and challenges for humanity.

  • Q: Is Hold Back This Day a popular or influential novel?

  • A: Hold Back This Day is a popular and influential novel, as it has received positive reviews and praise from many readers and critics. The novel has been compared to classic dystopian novels such as 1984, Brave New World, and The Camp of the Saints. The novel has also inspired and influenced many other writers and activists who share its vision and message. The novel has been translated into several languages and has sold thousands of copies worldwide.



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